100% Corrupt

Kentucky Corruption

Bar Association members caught trapping children in meth-environments and making false arrests against innocent loving parents to force them to hire: Bar Association members.
100% Crime Racket. Scroll Down for info:

Hon. Deanna Henschel McCracken County, Kentucky Family Court Judge
The corrupt attacked the children of the owner of a surveillance company

Hillbilly Hell Corruption

McCracken County Prosecutors office fail to keep Billy Waynick, their C.I. clean of meth…
Billy Waynick is the boyfriend of James Samples’ ex-wife.
Billy Don Waynick is allowed to use meth and commit crimes because he’s an old running buddy of Sheriff Jon Hayden.
James exposes the harm that officials have put his children in and in retaliation James is hit with a series of false arrests and denial of due processes. James records everything.

Officer Travis Counts

Officer Travis Counts

assisted Hon. Deanna Henschel, Atty. Jennifer Peeler, Atty. Meredith Clymer in making false arrests and false imprisonment against James Samples.

Screenshot Deanna Henschel Youtube

landlord Nate, Children’s Dad, and Granddad not allowed to testify or present evidence

Children are forced into a meth-environment and dad is forced to flee the United States due to a series of false arrests, false imprisonments, and denial of due processes.

Atty. Meridith Clymer

Prosecuting Atty. Meredith Clymer

Billy Waynick would go on to admit in court that he was serving for Henschel & Meredith’s office as a C.I. Meredith appeared at an emergency custody hearing and attempted to cover up the fact that she knew the children were trapped in a meth environment.

30 minutes after this mock hearing: Hon. Deanna Henschel, Pros. Atty. Meredith Clymer, along with Attorney Jennifer Peeler will conspire to make false arrests and false imprisonments against the children’s dad.


Is this a joke? These “lawyers” are awful! Even the “judge” seems incompetent. So scary that these poor children have these idiots making decisions for their welfare.. I’m appalled 😦

Dawn Semach


This is the craziest mockery of court proceedings I have ever seen! This judge should be removed from the bench and all attorneys disbarred! Ridiculous! I feel so sorry for the children and father! Is the judge also the da!$ court reporter???

Tracy Butler


How very sad. All so the cops could play games. Looks like a lot of games were played…with people’s lives. If tables were turned NO WAY would these real criminals allow this in their lives or family. These poor kids, grandparents and father, will never be the same.

Dinky’s RoaringOut OfTheFlock


What a mess! Bless these babies. Whomever is the true loving parents need to have these babies.
These court proceedings are appalling! These legal reps and judge need to be disbarred! Wow..how can anything reasonable and professional come out of this system!!


“Want this settled get the FBI involved!”

“This judge is wrong!!!! Omg

Rhonda Fitch


“I would have to appeal this case for a lack of due process. I would have filed against the judge and have removed her from her bench for violation of due process in violation of the Constitution.”

Eric Weiler


A nurse that smokes in the home with her children and lives in a hotel and dresses like that. Not judging but I worked at the hospital and nurses make good money none of them would ever smoke in the home or live in a hotel. And yes this is a kangaroo court. People talking out of turn and who has taken her to court? It’s not the grandparents bc no one is there to represent them. If it’s the state the guy social worker doesn’t have his stuff together. And I am from Tennessee and yes it’s very believable that they are protecting her bc she is a CI. The laugh the judge gave when the grandmother said she would sell everything if she needed to.

Holly King


“Are they still with her??? I have not watched it yet but I’m curious after reading the 1st part of the post. This is crazy and sad”

– Amy Marie Brown

 “This is prime example how this case should have moved to a new district so that the cover up couldn’t keep going!”

– Rhonda Fitch


“The gentleman representing child protection agency is a complete dud..useless …the judge is a complete air head…what a farce.”

 – paula spada


“Wow!! So unfair I’m sure if something happens to these kids there will be a lawsuit!!”

– Tiny Taylor

“Why is the female attorney dressed in jeans during a court proceeding? This seems to be a very informal hearing, for such a serious matter.
This judge is a damn joke!!”

– Kerby Fab




– Erin Stott


“These people are ridiculous”

– Michael Green


“They went off and left their pets…I hope those poor animals have a better home. I’m just barely in the story and already pissed.”

– Tina Windham


“Wow what a kangaroo court. Ive never seen such amess in dependency court.”

– chris schippers


“In clear present these kids should have been moved from the mom without prejudice. It met their county regulations to have them removed. This judge should be fined and fired!”

– Rhonda Fitch

Daughter’s bedroom at her Dad’s

Dad worked hard to build a nice bedroom for his daughter. The judge thought it better to stick her in a meth-environment.

Son’s bedroom at his Dad’s

Dad worked hard to build a nice bedroom for his son. The judge thought it better to stick him in a meth environment. The judge wants the Dad to spend himself broke fighting an in-vain fight to protect his children.

Is this Judge still a Judge? And what about the children?

Michele Roberts

The Judge, Deanna Henschel,
Guardian ad Litem, Atty. Jennifer Peeler
Prosecuting Attorney, Meredith Clymer
and Prosecuting Attorney, David (Dave) Bruce Wrinkle

are guilty of child endangerment, false arrest, false imprisonment…

James’ ex-wife’s paramour is Billy Don Waynick. Billy admitted in and out of the courtroom that he was serving as a Confidential Informant. They failed to make sure he stayed clean of meth… and James’ children ended up abused. James continued to expose the corruption as he was bombarded with false arrest, false imprisonment, and denial of due processes. He’s currently in the Baltic and hasn’t seen his children or the house he built in over 4 years. And he will continue to expose these criminals for what they are!

Ex-Wife’s and Billy’s Meth-house

Christopher in his room at Dad's

Christopher Samples wanted to live with Dad. Is it any wonder? The Judge, CPS, and the Bar Association is a crime syndicate that Americans can no longer afford.

This little boy, Christopher Samples is growing up without being able to even talk to his Dad that he loves and misses so much because of the false arrest, false imprisonments, and denial of due processes… by this evil judge, Atty Jennifer Peeler and Atty. Meredith Clymer.


Meth-house James' ex-wife and Billy Don Waynick was evicted from

James’ ex-wife is Michelle Samples she was making $29/hour when she was evicted from this mobile home after missing 8 out of 11 rent payments. There were a total of 5 adults and two children living in that meth environment.


Since Atty. Meredith Clymer is guilty of several charges, Is the Sheriff blackmailing Judge Executive Bill Clymer?

During a Covid-19 financial crisis, Judge-Executive Bill Clymer escalates Property Taxes that citizens are already complaining that is too high, to give the Sheriff’s Deputies – 3 new Dodge Durangos. While many citizens can’t afford their car payments.

Kadence in her room at Dad's

Kadence Samples wanted to live with her Dad. Is it any wonder? The Judge, CPS, and the Bar Association is a crime syndicate that Americans can no longer afford.


This little girl, Kadence Samples is growing up without being able to even talk to her Dad that she loves and misses so much because of the false arrests, false imprisonments, and denial of due processes… by this Evil Judge, Atty. Jennifer Peeler and Atty. Meredith Clymer.

Every single person in this court room sound like complete and total morons. These people should find a different profession. I feel sorry for any child that is involved in this backwards, pitiful excuse of a court system.

Valerie Walls


How the family terrorist engine runs

James Samples is claiming that he is the victim of multiple false arrests, false imprisonments by Bar Association Members and is offering $20,000 for any evidence against him!

External Links:
Dad: James Samples

book: Judicial.Center

Officer: Travis Counts

All links open in new tabs or windows as this site is used by research institutions such as the:  Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences

More Info

You can Reach Hon. Deanna Henschel at:


McCracken County Courthouse
Address: 301 S 6th Street
Paducah, Kentucky 
United States 42003


Phone: +1 270-575-7133


M-F:  9am – 4pm
S-S: Closed


Up coming book: Judicial Center

Judicial Center tells the story of a Western Kentucky man and dad of two children, that went through a divorce, and discovered that his ex-wife’s paramour was throwing meth parties around his children and was being used by local officials as confidential informant…

“Hello James I just came across your video by way of a court hearing that was complete a complete travesty as far as I’m concerned. Returning the children from loving grandparents to the mother and meth head boyfriend living in a motel is beyond my comprehension and I cannot imagine the pain and frustration you and your sweet parents have suffered. Your video is living testimony to your love for your children. I will keep you and yours in my prayers and sending much love and positive hope an energy for the future. I as a child was a victim in a custody dispute and subjected and under the authority of various partners of my mother and therefore can offer you this truth. Parent should remember that in a lifespan childhood is relatively short where adulthood is much much longer and we still remember.”

A and O